Eco-labelling of products and services helps consumers to select environmentally friendly products, while meeting high demands on occupational health, safety and usability. As the oldest ecolabel (since 1978), the Blue Angel has achieved a high level of acceptance in Germany. At European level, the EU-Ecolabel has been established since 1992. In the Scandinavian countries, the ecolabel „Nordic Swan“ is widely used.
For development and revision of ecolabel criteria, the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 14024 „Environmental Label Type I - Principles and procedures " has to be considered. These criteria should ideally be derived through a consideration of the entire life cycle of a product.
The product groups are attributed to different categories. For example, the Blue Angel distinguishes the categories climate protection, resource protection, protection of environment and health, and protection of water.
For application of an ecolabel, specific study reports are often required, which go beyond the legal requirements. Examples are:
Documentation of anaerobic biodegradability of ingredients in detergents and cleaning agents ( 2011/264/EU)
Proof of biodegradability and ecotoxicity data for components of lubricants and hydraulic fluids (RAL-UZ 178)
Proof of the compatibility of toilet additives with sewage treatment plants by ecotoxicity tests with the disposal concentration (RAL -UZ 84a/b)
In several award criteria for the Blue Angel, the release of potentially hazardous substances must be estimated via the ecotoxicological analysis of eluates. The basis for this is the " Guidance on the use of ecotoxicity tests applied to construction products " according to CEN/TR 17105, which has been supplemented by CEN/TS 17459 since 2022. To produce the eluates, the tank test according to CEN/TS 16637-2 (Dynamic Surface Leaching Test-DSLT) is used for flat and monolithic products and the percolation test according to CEN/TS 16637-3 for granular products. The aqueous eluates obtained in this way are then examined in the fluorescent bacteria test (Vibrio fischeri), algae growth inhibition test (Raphidocelis subcapitata or Desmodesmus subspicatus), acute daphnia toxicity test (Daphnia magna), eventually also in the fish egg test (Danio rerio), and in the umu test (endpoint genotoxicity). The eluates in a 1:4 dilution (algae, daphnia) or in a 1:8 dilution (luminescent bacteria) must not show any significant toxic effects.
Hydrotox supports you in the eco-labelling application process. Our services range from contacting the manufacturers of components, over searching for or acquiring lacking data on substance properties and implementing studies up to submission of the application to the respective authorities.